#ThanksForTheDough Campaign

Supporting the Legislature's proposals to invest in K-12 education through progressive revenue. We need your help by April 6, 2025 to ensure our public schools get funded!! 

Let's tell them #ThanksForTheDough!

The #ThanksForTheDough campaign is a way for parents, students, educators, and community members to voice our support and gratitude for the proposals and our wealthiest neighbors and businesses who will be funding our public schools if these new taxes are adopted. 

The new tax proposals on the ultra-wealthy and large corporations (such as on folks who have more than $50 million in financial assets) could generate billions of dollars per year of additional resources for our schools. (Read more about the proposals from WSPTA ). 

We believe a campaign with positive framing could help our advocacy become more compelling, engaging, and effective. Supporting new taxes is not always popular and some wealthy corporations have already campaigned against any new taxes. 

We believe expressing gratitude and showing the positive outcomes could help everyone feel valued and motivated to support these revenue proposals!

The Recipe

🎂 Here's how we'll bake this cake:

🔗Billion Dollar Bake Sale Washington's #ThanksForTheDough (English)

🔗Billion Dollar Bake Sale Washington's #GraciasPorLaMasa (Español)

What to Say

👥This is a community collaboration and your creativity will be the key to a delicious final product. Here are some guidelines:

Sample Recording Template: 

Hi, my name is _______ and I'm a [parent/student/educator/community member] in the _______ school district in [insert town/city/county name]. An extra $1000 in funding per student will [help our school _______ /help our school avoid cuts to _______ ]. This will mean so much to our community because _______ . 

So on behalf of _______ school, Thanks For The Dough!

Icing on the Cake

Want to go the extra mile to make our creation the talk of the town? Here are a few more ideas of how to put a cherry on top:

🔗Link to Flyer with QR code (English)

🔗Link to Flyer with QR code (Español)

Video release statement: By uploading a video, you consent to the use of such recordings by electronic media and print publications, including social media, newspapers, television, radio and other sources for all purposes as determined by the Billion Dollar Bake Sale campaign and its partners. If children are in the video, please ensure their guardians have provided consent.